Welcome to the mind of John Scott Ridgway. Beware falling rocks and angels.

YOU ARE ABOUT TO ENTER WHAT THE INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY CALLS THE 'WITTING.' The implication being anyone who doesn't know what is truly going on in the world is 'unwitting.' I have an academic/artist background that includes three books, oil painting, radio and tv... though mostly, I write on the web and give the words away. Better read than dead, I always say. I studyied military intelligence, cults, english, history, and philosophy, among other subjects that I took in my quest to have something to say in my work.... I am proud to say I studied under peaceful warriors, like Dr. Danial Stern, an icon in the sixties who hung out with the panthers, dealt with agent provocaters, spies.


Find me on facebook at john scott ridgway... there are two of me... one is active. I trust you can figure it out. Doing a lot of stuff there. Basically showing my daily trek throughout the dozens of papers I peruse while waiting in some bush, pr parked somewhere, you know, out stalking, or whatever, you know... hunting humans, maybe... but not in an illegal way. Really.

I urge you to try out my new Jesus, blog, too. He is nothing like you have read before. This creature from the planet Heaven is mistaken for an alien, a cult leader, a terrorist.... Military intelligence agents and secrets are thrown all over in this blog.... please spread my writing whereever forfree... The book is not just for Christians. I am almost an agnostic... I, Christ... will lead you to heaven, or at least give you a lot to think about. After years of getting mostly a's in college, I can at least parrot a few things you have not heard.

Monday, April 11, 2005

One of the reasons I have all these potential plot lines

is that I was forced,by the opportunity (I thought) of working with another writer as my editor, and that by meeting once a week he could teach me to write faster, and I could show him a thing or two about editing (which, since his books are basically very fine first drafts published on the net, 12, he has kind ignored literary crit., where as I have had the same edotor for 16 years and had to either listen to her or get cut off from her fine, fine... conversation and edifycatiom). This broke down when decided that since the arbitrary ten years he had given himself to make it as a writer had passed, he was going to, like he had always planned, to move on to something else. I don't whether he is making the right decision or not anymore than he does.

So, since I ws trying to produce every week to give to Jason, I was forced to go ahead with a plot that should have remained in the maybe zone for a few more years. My favorite writing is character driven. In fact, the best part of the book so far has been the long character sketches that I wrote of each character. In this post modern, read it quick and get the guist world that most of my readers dwell in, no one is going to sit still for the kind of plotless interior landscapes I used in the last book in the first third. I realize this now. I wrote about a mercenary spy and stayed mostly with his intellectual angst, rather than going the Quentic Tarantino way...

Now, I know the theme of this book. Forge a moral life and do your best to live it, even if it does require a few changes here and there along the way. The artists think they are doing this on their website and with their paintings, and to some they are, in a word oriented way that will more help them act in the purely intellectual world than the real. They can hold their own talking about the finer aspects of nature vs nurture, yet can't really decide who to punch.

ALL WRITING IN HERE IS THE PROPERTY OF JOHN SCOTT RIDGWAY, AND YOU CAN GET MY PERMISSION TO PERFORM AND REPRINT WITH AN EMAIL. Steal from me and you will be cursed in such a way that your hands turn into worthless, jelly fish like appendages that sting your intimates.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"In fact, the best part of the book so far has been the long character sketches that I wrote of each character."

Yeah, I always found writing character sketches fun as well.