Welcome to the mind of John Scott Ridgway. Beware falling rocks and angels.

YOU ARE ABOUT TO ENTER WHAT THE INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY CALLS THE 'WITTING.' The implication being anyone who doesn't know what is truly going on in the world is 'unwitting.' I have an academic/artist background that includes three books, oil painting, radio and tv... though mostly, I write on the web and give the words away. Better read than dead, I always say. I studyied military intelligence, cults, english, history, and philosophy, among other subjects that I took in my quest to have something to say in my work.... I am proud to say I studied under peaceful warriors, like Dr. Danial Stern, an icon in the sixties who hung out with the panthers, dealt with agent provocaters, spies.


Find me on facebook at john scott ridgway... there are two of me... one is active. I trust you can figure it out. Doing a lot of stuff there. Basically showing my daily trek throughout the dozens of papers I peruse while waiting in some bush, pr parked somewhere, you know, out stalking, or whatever, you know... hunting humans, maybe... but not in an illegal way. Really.

I urge you to try out my new Jesus, blog, too. He is nothing like you have read before. This creature from the planet Heaven is mistaken for an alien, a cult leader, a terrorist.... Military intelligence agents and secrets are thrown all over in this blog.... please spread my writing whereever forfree... The book is not just for Christians. I am almost an agnostic... I, Christ... will lead you to heaven, or at least give you a lot to think about. After years of getting mostly a's in college, I can at least parrot a few things you have not heard.

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Da Sadly No More Cocoa Bean Reading....


I went to the poetry reading at the cocoa bean last night. The usual rectangular space, one wall of exposed brick, various artists on the wall -- ranging from very cool prints of human organs, to something to do with torture that I put in my 'why does anyone take this fool seriously?,' category. The El track was accross the street, and passing trains could be heard and seen buzzing by behind the stage.
We arrived early, me in jeans so torn up that I kept thinking a strong wind was going to leave me naked, M. looking very hot in a black blouse and tight jeans that accented her incredible figure... we sat opposite the stage at a small table and waited. It is a tradition here to only start the show when everyone shows up, so the hosts showed up around ten after. Josh and Kate.
Kate is very cute, and sexy in that way some swingers are -- like there is a sign over her saying -- GOOD TIME. She actually ended the last reading I saw her at with, "Does anyone want to fuck?" On the surface, she could come off frivilous, but when she reads her poetry, her depth and clarity of vision are astounding. Everytime I have seen her read, she is head and shoulders above everyone in the room. Her partner is this every thursday night reading, Josh, was funnier than hell. I actually wrote down one of his jokes to use (I asked him during the break if he wrote his own jokes and he told me it was all off the top of his head; a real natural).
I ended up being part of the show. It's funny, M. has barely ever seen me perform, because I was out of the scene when I met her, staying away from stages with the thought that they were just an ego stroke that took me away from work. Anyways, M. saw me give a reading last year, where the people were laughing their asses off... but, at the reading two weeks ago, I sucked. I read the wrong shit. People laughed at this peice before, but they were warmed up a bit. The scene is in here, stoned artist talks to a cat, and if you look at it you will think I was nuts to even try to read it. Especially after Jason, who takes control of the crowd like he is leading a symphony of laughing people.
So, last night I told her that I thought I should read at this cocoa bean and her face fell. "You're going to read?"
I was amused by this, since my ego is intact. I took the bad reading as a mistake that I could easily correct, and ultimatly meaningless. I sucked, so what? The show was great anyways. I chose to read Rlynn, which is in here, too. And I practiced. Once she heard the piece and laughed throughout both reads (a short work that was is also a comic and a painting), she felt better, but I could tell by all the advice she was giving me that she was still nervous -- I mean, she seldom says anything about my work, because I am the expert. I am glad to say that my preperation paid off.
I was treated as a little celeb at the thing, which is cool, but I didn't announce the reading or say anything more than my first name (accidently), then I read. When I sat back down M. was beaming at me, so happy to be with me, etc... that made the whole thing worth it.
I gave Kate some flyers about her reading for me on sunday, and she liked them a lot. M. came up with the idea of making the collage about Kate, so we put a bunch of sexy pictures admist the usual soldiers and stuff I have been putting in the posters that I'm making for all the readings.

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